Stát: Antarktida
Vyberte sídlo:
- Amundsen Scott - permanent station of the US
- Arctowski - permanent station of Poland
- Bellingshausen - permanent station of Russia
- Bernardo O'Higgins - permanent station of Chile
- Bunger Oasis - permanent station of Russia
- Casey - permanent station of Australia
- Davis - permanent station of Australia
- Dome Fuji - permanent station of Japan
- Dumont d'Urville - permanent station of France
- Halley - permanent station of the UK
- King Sejong - permanent station of South Korea
- MacMurdo - permanent station of the US
- Mawson - permanent station of Australia
- Mirnyj - permanent station of Russia
- Molodezhnaya - permanent station of Russia
- Neumayer - permanent station of Germany
- Novolazarovskaja - permanent station of Russia
- Palmer - permanent station of the US
- Presidente Eduardo Frei - permanent station of Chile
- Progress - permanent station of Russia
- Sanae IV - permanent station of South Africa
- Scott - permanent station of New Zealand
- Syowa - permanent station of Japan
- Vostok - permanent station of Russia